Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Madness is a odd feeling for people and yourself cause it can make do things that you wouldn't normal do in a clam day for you. But there are people and thing out there want to get you mad for thing you shouldn't even care about or be mad at for it. You can get mad at even the smallest thing like a paper cut on the end of your finger or kicking the corner of the table without trying to. Mostly you well get mad at is someone close to you or you know well. They tell you stuff that you don't want to hear or know about it the first place and then they just keep on bugging you about inlet you answer them or yell at them. So why do people or thing try to get you mad for the dumbest reasons.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Fav

I got this one friend that wants me to do something for them but what they are asking is something that I really don't want to do so what should I do. Help my friend with thier fav or not cause I don't like what it is and they tell you that if you do it they well give you something back for or just say that they'll love you forever.